Sean Fader
scholarship fund
The Sean Fader Memorial Scholarship Fund’s mission is to brighten the futures of young adults in the Oswego Community by creating pathways toward achieving their goals. This scholarship will last indefinitely and will be supported by individuals and businesses who believe in the promising lives of young people in Oswego. Each year, multiple financial scholarships will be awarded to light the path of those who have helped improve their community.

Sean enjoyed all things Oswego. He spent days fishing and kayaking in local ponds and cheered on the Oswego High School football team on Friday nights. He ran through the spray of fire department water hoses at downtown festivals and spent hours choosing books at the public library. He ran in the Prairiefest 5k and Hobbler Gobbler 10k races while his family and neighbors cheered for him. Sean was raised by Oswego. While we’ll never know Sean’s accomplishments as an adult, Sean would have always called Oswego his hometown.Sean’s life ended tragically in an auto collision with a tree on September 13, 2024. Sean’s effect on his community in his 17 years in Oswego was immediately apparent as groups gathered to pray and remember his life. Sean was a weightlifter, volleyball player, golf enthusiast, park district referee, lifeguard, and senior class leader at Oswego High School. More than that, though, Sean was a magnet that brought people together in laughter and joy.
DONATE (check)
We encourage you to give generously in support of the Sean Fader Memorial Scholarship Fund and join our mission.Check made payable to Sean Fader Memorial Scholarship Fund and mailed to address below.Sean Fader Memorial Scholarship Fund
c/o Byline Bank
10 South Madison Street
Oswego, IL 60543
The executive board for the Sean Fader Memorial Scholarship Fund will award multiple scholarships to deserving high school seniors of an SD308 high school this year and for years to come. Tuition scholarships will be considered for students who have been accepted to any accredited college, university, or vocational/technical school. Scholarships will be one-time awards and are not renewable. The scholarship is paid directly to the accredited college, university, or vocational/technical school in the fall following the award announcement. Proof of enrollment is required. Monetary awards will be paid after school acceptance and registration has been verified by the organization. If funds are to be refunded due to non-enrollment, dropping out, or other reasons, the funds are to be reimbursed directly from the university to the scholarship fund. Applications may be picked up in the College and Career Services Office at either high school.In 2025, the Sean Fader Memorial Fund will award multiple scholarships of $2,500 each.
Deadline for application: February 28, 2025
Scholarship Awards announced on or before: April 30th, 2025